What Are the Commercial Green Building Trends of 2015?

What Are the Commercial Green Building Trends of 2015?

October 8, 2015

VMSI_arcade_elev_oct01If billions of people are going to continue to call the Earth home, then it is important to practice more sustainable methods. Fortunately, Tucson architects are on board with this sustainability movement. Here is a quick look at some of the commercial green building trends of 2015.

Enhancing Efficiency in Existing Buildings

Efficiency and sustainability are staples of the green movement, and these principles are put into practice with the green building trends of 2015. Both the clientele and the market want to see more energy efficient buildings that impact the environment to a lessened degree. This is the renovation of existing buildings using green methods and technologies has become just as important as the construction of new ones. In making the change to more sustainable and environmentally efficient methods, many home and building owners have experienced significant amounts of savings.

Attracting Tenants with Sustainable Buildings

While it is up to the producer to use green methods and create sustainable structures, it is up to the consumers to show their interest. Many of today’s tenants and business owners are becoming more educated about the way modern society damages the environment. Those who are particularly sensitive to these issues will be more inclined to work with companies and rent offices, buildings, and houses that were constructed with these same ideals in mind. In appealing to the environment, you can appeal to those who care the most about it.

Improving Health Standards

If you are interested in improving employee productivity in the workplace, consider anchoring your business in a green building. Buildings that are constructed with environmental friendliness in mind tend to be healthier than their alternatives, so your employees may experience fewer sicknesses and enjoy a better sense of general well being.
Would you like to learn more about the commercial green building trends of 2015? Contact Sears Gerbo Architecture or visit our website. We specialize in architecture in Tucson, AZ and are happy to provide our services in the corporate, residential, and industrial realms. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to call us at (520) 722-5079.

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